The Clean, Green Effluent Company specialises in the design and refining of better ways to deal with dairy farm effluent.
Environment Friendly
This environmentally friendly system has the proven elements of K-line pods, with a weeping wall, but with improved valves and other features that deliver effluent at very low application rates (as little as quarter of a millimetre per 24 hours). This eliminates the need for large storage ponds.
From our prospective, this system is more environmentally sustainable than other systems.
The recycling of the water also means that there is less effluent to be applied to the paddocks. The low application rate system reduces the potential ponding or runoff due to soil saturation.
Robert Versteynen & Maria Gillespie2010
I have been using the Clean Green Effluent system since 2008. I am sold on the concrete lined pond and the ultra-low effluent application through multiple pods making it simple to use, functional, easy care and a low risk to the environment.